Tuesday, 1 October 2013

'A Fragrant Memory" - Join the Waiting List

Hallelujah, the draft of A Fragrant Memory is finally complete, and here is the first comment back from one of my beta readers, Dr Roger Dedman:

"I've just read a draft of Louise's latest venture, on the life and work of botanical artist Margaret Flockton. I know that this project has been close to Louise's heart for many years, and this passion is evident throughout the book. Margaret Flockton's achievements have been undeservedly neglected for far too long, and A Fragrant Memory does them full justice. Louise's care for detail, and the extent of her research and referencing, will satisfy the most demanding academic, yet any reader will be engaged by the book's easy narrative flow. Lavishly illustrated, it will be of particular interest to those interested in botanical illustration, but it also exemplifies and highlights the difficulties faced by women working in the area of science in the early twentieth century to have their achievements recognized and appreciated."

Thank you Roger. And thanks too for casting an eagle-eye over the text.

This book is well beyond my capacities as a self-published venture. Now that I have something definite to show, I'm about to commence discussing the book with professional publishers, who I hope will do full justice to the art work and illustrations. The proposed publication date has been moved back to 2014.

Readers - let me know if you’d like to join the 'expressions of interest' waiting list for Margaret Flockton's biography. Send me an email (address given on my profile page), or post a message on my Facebook page - www.facebook.com/LouiseWilsonAuthor

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